August Comics

Here are the best books I read from my tfaw box this month:

Generation Hope #9 (writer: Kieron Gillen, art: Jamie McKelvie, colors: Jim Charalampidis, with cover art by Slavador Espin) is the title that I am citing from this month’s serials.

I’m glad to have been pulling this title from the beginning. Hope’s mission brings the X-Men back to their roots, finding and helping young people come to terms with who they are and what they can do. This issue shows the urgency in that task in a particularly poignant way, but where the stakes are more individual and personal than epic. The dorm room conversation before everything goes wrong is perfectly scripted as a lead-in to the demise of the young mutant and its aftermath. The ending with Kenji and Logan provided the right kind of emotional payoff to a story that is nicely self-contained, while also drawing on X-history and character history in a meaningful, and not pedantic, way.

McKelvie’s character designs also help to tell the story. His English university students look fresh, modern, and youthful, just right for the dialogue and for the way the story plays out. The series of panels where Laurie/Transonic takes off from the air are striking, particularly the way that she is made to look like a bird-shaped missile. While I read comics in part for serialized narrative, I also appreciate when someone can turn out a great story that stands on its own, and this issue is a prime example of a one-off that works well, both on its own and as part of the series as a whole.

In trades, I am still working on Finder, but I did make time to read a few other books, including Batgirl: The Flood (writer: Bryan Q. Miller, pencils: Lee Garbett and Pere Perez, colors: Guy Major, inks: Jonathan Glapion et al). I’ve had this collection for awhile, and had been avoiding it because, at this point, reading the current Batgirl is like watching a TV show that has been canceled before anyone really thinks it should have been. Whatever investment you have in the characters and the narrative is going to be if not wasted, then unfulfilled.

That aside, this book is still, above all, fun to read. I also like the scale of the storytelling, which is more about everyday crime and craziness than world-ending doom. The final chapter here, where Stephanie and Kara have a night on the town that goes wrong, encapsulates the energy and best qualities of the series: sharp dialogue, witty asides, a good nature, and action-packed. I assume I can look forward to one more collection before having to say good-bye, but these books will be on my shelf for a long time, and I hope that A gets around to discovering them.

July comics

As I indicated last month, I’m changing the format of these entries to focus on a few select comics, rather than going through the full list of everything I bought/read in the month.

The best comic I got in my tfaw box this month is David Hahn’s All Nighter #1 (Image). This book is anchored by the strong introduction to the main character, Kit Bradley, and Hahn’s distinctive art.

Kit is formally introduced on the first story page of this issue with a “voiceover” that addresses the audience. When done well, as it is here, this is an effective device because the reader gets to learn about a character from seeing the world from that person’s perspective. What’s important here is that the narration is clearly partial, revealing a lot about the character but only so much about other people and events. And here the voiceover fosters a quick attachment to Kit, and I’m interested to see where Hahn takes her as a narrator, how reliable or unreliable she turns out to be.

Hahn’s art is defined by clean, strong lines and a modern sensibility, but the characters are varied and expressive. A lot of effort is devoted to fashion, to clothes, accessories and hairstyles, which creates a lively feel to the settings and to Kit’s world. The simplicity and high contrast of the black and white works well with the Hahn’s line work and also shows off his attention to detail since he cannot rely on color to distinguish between characters and scenes.

I also got conclusions to two Marvel minis this month: Silver Surfer #5 (writer: Greg Pak, pencils: Harvey Tolibao, inks: Sandu Florea, & colors: Wil Quintana) and Annihilators #4 (writers: Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning, pencils: Tan Eng Huat, with art by Timothy Green II on the Rocket Raccoon backup).

I think that Pak does a good job of giving the Surfer a second origin, built in the same kind of sacrifice that defined him in the first place. The Surfer has always been a tragic figure and this mini-series mines that aspect of his character well, particularly in giving him a romantic partner who is more of an active agent than Shalla-Bal. The use of the (new) Fantastic Four is a nice touch of meta-narrative continuity.

In Annihilators, Abnett & Lanning solve the problem of having a team of heroes with god-like powers by writing a story that depends on planning and problem solving. I like Eng Huat’s consistent use of wide and long views to show the scale of the battles fought here. The Rocket Raccoon and Groot backup is as fun and hilarious as the main story is weighty and serious. Timothy Green manages to draw Rocket to be heroic and goofy in equal measure. Both this book and the Surfer mini are good examples of why I like to read on the margins of the Marvel U: you tend to get more self-contained stories that are tightly focused on a specific cast of characters.

I won’t be writing about any trades this month*, partly because my life has been taken over by house selling and buying and partly because the book I picked up at the beginning of July is the massive The Finder Library Volume 1 (Dark Horse), which collects Carla Speed McNeil’s webcomic of the same name.

*So, I found time today to do some reading, including Ximo Abadia’s Clonk (Kettledrummer Books), which is a strange and beautiful book about love, death, and friendship. The main character looks like a guy in a black bunny suit, or maybe he is some kind of human rabbit – his appearance is never addressed, it just is – who begins the story with an attempted suicide before the book flashes back to what happened to lead up to that moment. The narrative is simultaneously epic and very personal and intimate. There are lovely sequences of people doing everyday things, especially with the main character and his best friend, but there are also panels of war and the introduction of a giant fish. Abadia shows more than he tells, and the book rewards rewinds to recontexualize certain panels. Figures and backgrounds are simple, and sometimes even “rough” looking, but every page is full of life and feeling.

June comics

In the tfaw box this month:

Single issues:

Shorter takes:

  • Angel Yearbook (IDW). I am still planning on writing a separate post about the IDW Anglverse.
  • Birds of Prey #12 (DC). Well, just playing out the string now.
  • B.P.R.D.: The Dead Remembered #3 (Dark Horse). Liz is forced to feel the full potential of her power, but also gets to be a kid. A nice story from Mike Mignola et al, and I see that more Liz is on the way.
  • Carbon Grey #3 (Image). Lots of atmospherics and deep mythology, which, I guess is enough, because I will be looking for the next mini.
  • Generation Hope #7 (Marvel). An affirming ending. I also like Kieron Gillen’s use of Kitty in these last few issues.
  • Hellboy: Being Human & Hellboy: The Fury #1 (Dark Horse). A creepy Southern gothic one-shot and the start of a new major arc in the Hellboy saga. A good month from Dark Horse.
  • iZombie #14 (DC/Vertigo). Finally picking up on the change in title formatting. I can see the different threads coming together in the narrative here, including the Dead Presidents.
  • The Li’l Depressed Boy #4 (Image). A revelation that suggests Jazz is not a Manic Pixie Dream Girl for sure. Now, the key will be how does LDB handle this news.
  • S.H.I.E.L.D. #1 (Marvel). I am a little confused by the numbering here, but am happy for the contuation of the epic craziness that is this book.
  • Silver Surfer #4 (Marvel). More on this next month when the series wraps.
  • Spider-Girl #7 (Marvel). Penultimate issue. More next month.
  • Sir Edward Grey, Witchfinder: Lost and Gone Forever #5 (Dark Horse). Part of the good month from Dark Horse, and I guess the were buffalo was real. Don’t have as much to write about this as I thought I would, but I look forward to more Edward Grey books. These stories help to expand the historical range of the Hellboy universe.
  • X-23 # 10 and #11 (Marvel). Happy/sad that these issues did not convince me to keep pulling the title. Happy because I need to economize on comics, sad because I would like to get behind the book.
  • Uncanny X-Force #10 and #11 (Marvel). New storyline focused on Warren, alternate realities, and Dark Beast. This title remains very cool.
  • Uncanny X-Men #537 (Marvel). Kruun’s revenge continues. Lots of action. More well plotted and paced work from Kieron Gillen.
  • X-Men: Prelude to Schism #2 (Marvel). Talky.

Longer take:

Avengers Academy #14 and #14.1 (Marvel). As I remark most months, this is A’s book, but I enjoy it, too. I’m always happy to see a stable creative team on a title, and this one has clearly benefitted as Sean Chen, Scott Hanna, and Jeromy Cox have been given time to create distinct identities for the characters, and Christos Gage has been allowed to explore a set of themes related to heroism and celebrity that I don’t think would have registered as clearly as they have without a coherent vision for the book. What started as a pull for my kid, has turned into one of my more consistent reads. Nice work.


Approximate Continuum Comics (Fantagraphics).


Batgirl: The Flood (DC).


Clonk Volume 1 (Kettledrummer Books).


DV8: Gods and Monsters (DC). Brian Wood uses these characters to ask questions about “powers” and how people see themselves and are seen by others and how that dynamic shapes identity. I especially like the subtle variations in how the central cast respond to the situation that they are put in by the Powers that Be. Gorgeous, powerful art by Rebekah Isaacs.

Even the Giants (AdHouse).


Hellblazer: City of Demons (DC/Vertigo).


Mystique by Brian K. Vaughn Ultimate Collection (Marvel).


Osborn: Evil Incarnated (Marvel).


X-Men: Age of Apocalypse Prelude (Marvel).

Some horrendous art in the first half of the book, bizzare, plastic-y anatomy on the women. Gets better. One of those collections that helps me to fill in some of my missing history.

Yeah! (Fanatagraphics).

It is probably due to the infectious power of Gilbert Hernandez’s art that this book feels a lot like a lost “Love & Rockets” chapter. The fact that I only having a passing familiarity with Peter Bagge’s work undoubtedly contributes to that feeling, too. There’s so much going on in the faces of the characters here, including in the background, tongues sticking out, eyes dilating, mouths agape – lots of fun. Strangely, I still found reading the book kind of exhausting, lots of chatter and narration to read, full of crazy asides and whacked out science fiction fantasy, but thick. Many of the ideas about, for example, space limos and odd planets, also seems very Los Bros Hernandez, and suggests that maybe(?) more of a joint authorship than the credits imply. Then again, I haven’t read much Bagge.

Starting next month I think I will be selecting a few comics to write about more extensively for these posts rather than doing the laundry list approach.

May Comics

From tfaw this month:

Single issue:

Short takes:

  • Annihilators #3 (Marvel). Rocket Raccoon rules. Super powerful super beings trying to best each other is fun when done with style and in a good nature. Nice work so far to Dan Abnett, Andy Lanning, Tan Eng Huat, and Timothy Green et al for this mini.
  • Atomic Robo: Deadly Art of Science #5 (Red 5). Conclusion to the latest series, which is, if nothing else, indicative of how solid Brian Clevinger’s and Scott Wegener’s work, with Ronda Patterson and Jeff Powell, has become on this title. Funny. Smart. Action. Science. One of the most reliable reads I pull.
  • Avengers Academy #12, Avengers Academy: Giant Size #1, Avengers Academy #13 (Marvel). This trio of issues seems to have reignited A’s enthusiasm for this series. On the other hand, the “Giant Size” issue and #13 seem like stories that would have meant more before Young Allies was canceled.
  • Birds of Prey #11 (DC). A Secret Six/BoP crossover issue. Would hardly deny Gail Simone that conceit. Always like to see Helena/Huntress anchor a story.
  • B.P.R.D.: The Dead Remembered #2 (Dark Horse). This mini is developing some thoughtful character background for Liz that highlights the extent to which she is both of a generic type and distinctive at the same time. Looking forward to seeing how the historical piece is brought into the present and intertwined with Liz’s story.
  • Carbon Grey #2 (Image). The most helpful thing about this issue is the narrative summary on the inside cover. Still long on style.
  • Casanova: Gula #4 (Marvel Icon). Matt Fraction brings this arc to a gender bending conclusion (and maybe is an exception that proves the rule regarding what I write about Age of X below). Crazy James Bond-ish backup with Gabriel Ba in addition to the main story.
  • Hellboy: Buster Oakley Gets His Wish (Dark Horse). Mike Mignola adds alien abduction to the Hellboy-verse. I would like to see Kevin Nowlan on other Hellboy stories. I like that his lines are stronger than Mignola’s or Duncan Fegredo, and his figures more “realistic”, but that his Hellboy is still an homage to the character’s classic look: lanky and geometric.
  • I, Zombie #13 (DC/Vertigo). A is still enjoying this book with me, but maybe finding it harder to track as the narrative deepens. A new arc starts here, but one that builds on prior foundations. Need to wait-and-see where “The Dead Presidents” characters are headed.
  • The Li’l Depressed Boy #3 (Image). Most disappointing thing about this book so far is that A continues to resist reading it. Other than that, I am still impressed at how well Steven Struble and Sin Grace stay on the right side of the Nice Guy and the Manic Pixie Dream Girl with the two lead characters.
  • Generation Hope #6 (Marvel). Fast start to a new arc.
  • The New York Five #4 (DC/Vertigo). Done too soon.
  • S.H.I.E.L.D. Infinity (Marvel). In which Jonathan Hickman fills in some historical background to the vast story he is writing with this book. Dustin Weaver takes a break except for the cover.
  • Silver Surfer #3 (Marvel). Serves as a key turning point in the story.
  • Sir Edward Grey, Witchfinder #4 (Dark Horse). Zombies, demon dogs, a novel take on colonization of native peoples in North America. A good story.
  • Uncanny X-Force #7, #8, and #9 (Marvel). A tentative conclusion to the Weapon X/Deathlok/The World story and a couple of one-offs about personal demons (Betsy and Warren) and how things change (Magneto and Wolverine). Billy Tan works to maintain the high standard of the book, but he and Dean White’s art in #9 is more photo real than I would like to see, especially on a title that benefits from more expressionism in how it is drawn and colored.
  • Uncanny X-Men #535 and #536 (Marvel). Cool to read Kieron Gillen picking up on Joss Whedon’s Astonishing X-Men story, especially as a way to deal with Kitty’s return. Terry and Rachel Dodson are much welcomed after too, too much Greg Land.
  • Wolverine and Jubilee #4 (Marvel). Kathryn Immonen and Phil Noto bring their mini to close with some nice character moments and a story that tracks despite looking like it might have just been weird.
  • X-Men: Prelude to Schism #1 (Marvel). All prelude and build-up, which, I guess, is all that is promised, no?
  • Spider-Girl #6 and X-23 #9 (Marvel). Playing out the string with these titles. Who knows, maybe moving Jubilee and Noto to X-23 will make me change my mind about pulling that book.

Longer takes:

  • Age of X: Chapter 5 (X-Men Legacy #247), Age of X: Chapter 6 (New Mutants #24), and Age of X Universe #2 (Marvel). I suppose that it is inevitable that they pay off for these kinds of stories is never as exciting as the set up. Having written that, Mike Carey did excellent work in plotting out the story and letting unfold in a way that made sense and that told you something about the alternate universe in which the action takes place. The Universe books with The Avengers could have been better integrated into the main story. I’m not sure they tell you much of interest. What I would have liked to see is more stories like the Dazzler backup by Chuck Kim and Gabriel Hernandez Walta, which is interesting for the way it does integrate mutant and non-mutant elements of the construct in Legion’s brain, but also for the distinct art style.
  • I plan to address Angel #44, Angel: 100-Page Spectacular, Spike #7 and Spike #8 in a longer post on the IDW Angelverse.


DMZ Volume 10: Collective Punishment (DC/Vertigo).


Empire State: A Love Story (or Not) (Abrams). Jason Shiga’s new book is a charming work that spins the Nice Guy character by actually having him grow and making his love interest a fully actualized person with her own ideas about life. The different hues for the different lines of the narrative is an effective way to show Jimmy’s development at different stages of the story. Shiga’s art is, as always, highly expressive.

Neptune (Tug Boat Press).


Page by Paige (Amulet). I ordered Laura Lee Gulledge’s book because I thought it would be a good one to share with A, but I learned after the fact that she already had an advance copy that Anne-Marie picked up from ALA last year. So, we kind of did get to share, but not at the same time. In any event, it is hard not be drawn into Paige’s world. I appreciate how Gulledge keeps the story on the right side of sweet and precious; it seems perfect for the character. I am still thinking over many of the visual metaphors, which alternate between subtle and beautiful and pretty but ham handed. If these are meant to be Paige’s, that kind of unevenness seems appropriate. If they are meant for the reader, then that requires more assessment, I think. On the other hand, I know that it isn’t easy to come up with metaphoric imagery. In any case, a delightful book.

Secret Six: The Reptile Brain (DC).


Sleepyheads (Blank Slate Books).


Tiny Titans: Field Trippin’ (DC).

No longer the blast of pure joy it used to be, but still lots of fun. As always some of the best jokes involve parodies of the goings on in the real DCU. B’DG is adorable.

From Matt’s Cavalcade of Comics:

Rated Free for Everyone (Oni Press). One of two Free Comic Book Day offerings that I picked up from Oni. Both titles featured here have plenty of style, but not the kind of characters or stories that can still appeal to me as a an adult. I am thinking my nephew might like one or the other, though.

Spontaneous #1 (Oni Press). The more adult of the Oni titles for Free Comic Book Day. Brett Weldele’s art is plenty stylish, but Joe Harris’ story not quite enough of substance for me to decide to pull this one. Trade/wait, I think.

Top Shelf Kids Club (Top Shelf). Fun. Fun. Fun. Works in ways that the Oni all ages book doesn’t. Another great Johnny Boo from James Kolchaka, and I always enjoy having a reason to see another of Christian Slade’s Korgi and Andy Runton’s Owly.

The Dead Boy Detectives (DC/Vertigo).


Jenny Finn: Doom Messiah (BOOM! Studios).

A title I’ve thought about reading and would pick up a lot and finally did purchase on Free Comic Book Day. Looks and feels like an out of place B.P.R.D. or Hellboy mini, which is to say that it is pulp-y fun, but I will admit to hoping for something … different. My biggest problem, though, is with the lettering in chapters 1-2, which is tiny.

From comiXology:

Madman: Oddity #1 and #2 (Image). Don’t know why I’ve overlooked this awesomeness from Michael Allred before, but I am happy that it is available digitally for me to read. Crazy, but low-key, existential fun and wry commentary on superheroes. More when I finish the mini.

April comics

From tfaw last month:

Single issues:

Quick takes:

  • Angel #43 (IDW). The penultimate issue at IDW. Wait until next month for more.
  • Annihilators #2 (Marvel). Well worth pulling for the bombastic storytelling and the comedy-adventure with Rocket Raccoon.
  • Avengers Academy #11 (Marvel). Christos Gage continues to do nice work in interweaving stories about the students with stories about the adults. However, for some reason A showed less interest this month.
  • Casanova: Gula #3 (Marvel Icon). Big craziness as the protagonists and antagonists switch roles and try to out clever each other.
  • Dollhouse: Epitaphs (Dark Horse). Interesting one-shot. Fills in some gaps left from the TV series. Interested to see where they take the upcoming series. Cliff Richards and Michelle Madsen do a nice job of clearly evoking a cast of minor characters from television.
  • Generation Hope #5 (Marvel). Setting the stage for the next part of story: what to do now that the new mutants have been gathered?
  • Iceman and Angel #1 (one-shot) (Marvel). Good natured fun scripted by Brian Clevinger (Atomic Robo). Some great exchanges between Bobby and Warren.
  • I, Zombie #12 (DC/Vertigo). Nice break in the regular action with Gilbert Hernandez as guest artist.
  • Li’l Depressed Boy (Image). See below.
  • The New York Five #3 (DC/Vertigo). Still hard to believe that this series will end in one more issue.
  • Scarlet #5 (Marvel Icon). Thus ends Book One. Brian Bendis and Alex Maleev continue to get a lot right about the present cultural moment in Portland, but the series still feels like prologue.
  • Silver Surfer #2 (Marvel). Liking the story from Greg Pak.
  • Spider-Girl #5 (Marvel). I read that the series will be coming to an end in June. Too bad. On the other hand, I was considering letting go because A, for some reason, refuses to read this title.
  • Spike #6 (IDW). Ummm. Some stuff happens, and Lilah shows up at the end.
  • Sir Edward Grey, Witchfinder: Lost and Gone Forever #3 (Dark Horse). Big confrontation with Grey’s friend, and some spooky visitations. Nice Victorian Western from Mike Mignola et al.
  • Uncanny X-Force #5.1 and #6 (Marvel). Not sure why the “point one” issue is a supposed to be such a friendly entry into the series, but, in other news, I got to chat with Rick Remender at the Stumptown Comics Fest. Always nice to tell creators how much you like their work.
  • Uncanny X-Men #534 and #534.1 and Annual #3 (Marvel). Matt Fraction’s (current) run on the title ends with some smart and clever plotting. Kieron Gillen’s “point one” issue makes more sense to me as an entry point for at least people who know the central X characters than does the Uncanny X-Force issue. The Annual, whatever its merits, sets up a story that I do not intend to follow through the other issues.
  • Wolverine and Jubilee #3 (Marvel). Story gets kind of trippy, but then what did I expect with Kathryn Immonen on writing.
  • X-Men: Legacy #246 (Age of X Chapter 3), New Mutants #23 (Age of X Chapter 4), and Age of X Universe #1 (Marvel). The tension continues to build nicely in the main story. The “universe” installment is brutally cold.

Longer takes:

  • B.P.R.D.: The Dead Remembered #1 (Dark Horse). Mike Mignola and Scott Allie script a story about Liz Sherman as a teenager and ward of the B.P.R.D. Liz is alienated, angry, and jaded, which might be cliché, except that we know her as an adult and can see who this kid becomes. Despite her superficial similarities to other female firestarters, like Jean Grey, Liz has always been a more self-possessed character than most women featured in super hero, or super hero-esque, books. Stylish art, as expected, from Karl Moline, Andy Owens, and Dave Stewart. (And, yes, Dark Horse suckered me into buying two copies of the first issue with the alternate covers by Jo Chen and Moline).
  • X-23 #8 (Marvel). I regret to say that with this issue I have decided to end my subscription. There have been brief moments where Marjorie Liu has used this book to tell a story about Laura/X-23, but for the most part she has seemed more like a supporting player in her own book. I think that Liu has some interesting ideas about Laura and her sense of ethics, her desire for humanity, for working through her past, but too much time is directed to servicing “events”. Making this book be the next place for Jubilee is almost interesting enough to keep pulling it, but also underscores the problem I am citing as my reason to quit. I’ll keep my eye out for trades, though.


Batman and Robin Reborn (DC).

Yeah, this is fun. I get why people like this series. Surprisingly compelling reboot of characters you would think were well worn, especially as a pair. But Grant Morrison and his artistic collaborators make them seem new, in part, of course by giving them new secret identities and forcing the new dynamic duo to prove themselves. I am reminded, however, as to why I don’t read that many Bat-books: Gotham is depressingly depraved.

Finder Library Volume 1 (Dark Horse).


Widowmaker (Marvel).


Hellblazer Volume 1: Original Sins (DC/Vertigo).

Another series that I am happy to see reissued as it makes it easier for me to find an entry point. Want to live with the character a little longer before writing more.

Possessions Volume 2: Ghost Table (Oni Press).

Ray Fawkes’ second installment in this series is as funny as the first. Gurgazon is still the most charming/disgusting little demon in the universe. A true all ages book for anyone who likes stories about the supernatural.

X-Men First Class Volume 2 (Marvel).

These collections are fun. Jeff Parker goes for a bright and mildly troubled view of super-powered teenager-ness, and succeeds splendidly. The artwork, by Roger Cruz, principally, in pencils and inks gets the gawkiness of the age right, but, particularly with Jean, and out of costume, can veer into figures that, like actors, look about a decade or so too old for the character’s age. Not so much an issue with the charming backups with Colleen Coover. The Marvel Girl and Scarlet Witch stories are especially enjoyable.

X-Men Forever 2 Volume 3: Perfect World (Marvel).

And with that Chris Claremont’s experiment comes to an end, I gather. As I’ve written before, I liked the loopiness of the series, but did find some elements, the willingness to kill off big characters, for example, a little tiring. I did like the resolution of the Storm/Ro/Ororo story, especially the reappearance of the mohawk.

From Bridge City Comics:

Takio (Marvel Icon).


Li’l Depressed Boy #1 and #2 (Image). Glossed over this in my news feeds, but after taking a second look, decided I would like to try it out, especially because I think A will like it (now, to get her to read it). In the opening issues S. Steven Struble and Sina Grace walk a fine line with the characters. LD does not show any of the entitlement of a Nice Guy, yet, and Jazmin is too prickly to be a full on Manic Pixie Dream Girl, but both could turn into those stereotypes.

From the Corvallis Book Bin:

Gear School (Dark Horse).

Picked this one up for A. Adam Gallardo (writer) and Nuria Peris & Sergi Sandoval (art) pack a lot of worldbuilding into a short book. Gallardo’s script is open-ended without sacrificing fulfillment of the immediate story. My primary problem with the book is that Peris and Sandoval draw the girls too old in the way that most actors who play high schoolers are actually in their 20s (or even 30s). It would have been interesting if Teresa had looked more her age instead of like a young adult. The meaning of story is confused by this artistic choice.

The Goon Volume 1: Nothin’ But Misery (Dark Horse).


Monkey vs. Robot (Top Shelf Productions).

More all ages fun. James Kolchaka writes and draws a story that can be read either as a “Spy vs. Spy” type battle and/or as an ecological fable about technology and progress. Most notably, it is easy to feel for both of the main characters at the end.

I will make a separate post of my purchases from Stumptown.